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Keyword Search Criteria: survey methodology returned 4 record(s)
Monday, 07/30/2018
Administrative Records for Survey Methodology and Evidence Building
Asaph Young Chun, US Census Bureau; Bruce Meyer, University of Chicago; Paul Biemer, RTI Internatinoal
10:35 AM

Using Predictive Modeling in Survey Methodology to Identify Panel Nonresponse
Bernd Weiss, GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences; Jan-Philipp Kolb, GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences; Christoph Kern, University of Mannheim
3:05 PM

Tuesday, 07/31/2018
Using Predictive Modeling in Survey Methodology to Identify Panel Nonresponse
Bernd Weiss, GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences; Jan-Philipp Kolb, GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences; Christoph Kern, University of Mannheim

Thursday, 08/02/2018
What Took You So Long? The Role of Experience as a Determinant of Interview Length
Tobias Schmidt, Deutsche Bundesbank; Kristina Altmann, Deutsche Bundesbank
9:35 AM